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Programs : Brochure

This page is the brochure for your selected program. You can view the provided information for this program on this page and click on the available buttons for additional options. FOR PROGRAM COSTS, see Program Costs link in left margin.
  • Locations: Cuernavaca, Mexico
  • Program Terms: Spring with Interim, Spring with January
  • Homepage: Click to visit
  • Program Sponsor: Center for Global Education and Experience at Augsburg University 
  • Restrictions: St. Olaf College applicants only
  • Budget Sheets: Spring with Interim
  • This program is currently not accepting applications.
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Field of Study: Conflict Resolution, History, Internship, Latin American Studies, Liberal Arts, Peace Studies, Political Science, Religion, Social Work, Spanish, Women's Studies Language of Instruction: English
Class Eligibility (when program begins): Junior, Senior, Sophomore Minimum GPA: No set minimum - CGEE holistically reviews applications
Department: OFFC Course Number: 271
Prerequisites: Social Work major Housing: Dorms, Host Family
Program Host: CGEE Program Advisor: Hillary Lamberty
Program Type: Provider Language Requirement: No
Program Description:
AU CGEE SWK Banner23
Social Work in a Latin American Context
Social work students will develop key cross-cultural and professional skills to help them work more effectively with the Latinx community, as Mexicans comprise the largest immigrant population in the United States. Students will take courses in Social Work, complete a practicum in a community organization, participate in a two-week exchange with Mexican Social Work students, learn about Mexican history and culture, and go on excursions to popular destinations! This program satisfies the curriculum requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in social work degree and meets Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) accreditation standards.

Learn more and apply to this program

  • Learn from members of rural and urban communities that have been affected by globalization and U.S. immigration policies.
  • Engage with Social Workers from state agencies, non- profits, schools, health centers, and an addiction service program.
  • Practicum placements in local organizations.
  • Participate on a program run by an organization dedicated to social justice, which uplifts the voices of underrepresented and marginalized peoples in all programs.
  • Homestays with welcoming and friendly folks in Cuernavaca. Housing requests for gay and lesbian-friendly, sober/dry homestays, and vegetarian-friendly are all available!
Courses & Internships
Your coursework is in English, all levels of Spanish speakers are welcome, including beginners! Fieldwork placements require Spanish language, students that need fieldwork placements must have at least two semesters of college-level Spanish to be eligible. 
  • Social Welfare: The Mexico-U.S. Context 
  • Social Work with Groups and Families: Theory and Practice
  • Comparative Social Policy
  • Social Work Field Experience
  • Spanish language - 18 course options available ranging from beginner to advanced
  • Recreational Wellness: Latin Dance
Student Life
AU CGEE Casa Augsburg MexicoThe Augsburg CGEE Study Center in Mexico, nicknamed "Casa Augsburg," is a 15-minute walk from downtown Cuernavaca and the main city plaza, in the neighborhood of San Antón. CGEE is well established in San Antón and has many friends and close connections in the neighborhood, including many of the homestay families. Casa Augsburg is located at the top of one of the large ravines that runs through the city, offering a dramatic view from the nearby bridge that leads to downtown. Because of the ravine, there is a 100-foot waterfall right in the neighborhood, a local eco-tourist attraction. Right across the bridge, students will find a large public garden/park, an independent movie theater, the Cathedral, and several popular cafés.

This program includes regional travel (included in the program fee). Weekend excursions includes locations such as: Puebla, Teotihuacan, Toluca, a volcano, and a natural water park. Seminars and homestays in rural Indigenous communities, and a short seminar in Mexico City are also included.

Consortium Schools
The Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Consortium in Mexico operates the Social Work in a Latin American Context program, and currently consists of 14 member institutions. The consortium was formed with the goal of providing a cross-cultural and academic study abroad opportunity for BSW students that also met requirements set forth by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).  

Current schools in the consortium include (if your school is not listed, you are still welcome to apply to the program):
  • Augsburg University
  • Bemidji State University
  • Bethel University
  • Metropolitan State University
  • Providence College
  • Seattle University
  • St. Catherine University
  • St. Cloud State University
  • St. Olaf College
  • University of Sioux Falls
  • University of St. Thomas
  • West Chester University
  • Winona State University
  • Xavier University

For More Information

Dates / Deadlines:
Dates / Deadlines:
Term Academic Year App Deadline Decision Date Start Date End Date
Spring with January 2025-2026 02/11/2025
03/05/2025 01/23/2026 05/17/2026

Indicates that deadline has passed

This program is currently not accepting applications.